This Boost Your Energy PLR package will enable you to help your customers overcome tiredness and fatigue naturally. It includes an eBook, eCovers and email series.
Detox PLR – eBook, eCourse
This Body Detox PLR package includes an eBook and eCover graphics, 10-day eCourse, articles, social posters and social media posts.
Detox PLR- Cleanse and Detox
This Cleanse and Detox PLR package will provide your customers with the answers to their detox questions. It includes an eBook and eCover graphics.
Diabetes Diagnosis & Control PLR
This Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis and Control PLR package will provide your customers with the tips to make healthy lifestyle decisions. It includes an eBook and eCover graphics.
Diabetes Foot Care PLR – Articles
This Diabetes Foot Care PLR package will provide your customers with foot care tips to help them with their foot problems. It includes 5 articles and 5 social posters.
Diabetes Recipes PLR – Diet Plans
This Diabetes Recipes PLR package will provide recipes for 2 diet plans, to help type 2 diabetics start eating healthier and taking control of their diagnosis. It includes a Report and eCover graphics.
Humor – Using Humor Effectively PLR
This Humor PLR package will enable you to help your customers learn how to use humor effectively. It includes 10 articles, social posters and social media posts.
Marketing To Seniors PLR – eBook
This Marketing To Seniors PLR package will enable you to help your customers market to the baby boomers and senior audience. The seniors market is huge! It includes an eBook, eCovers and email series.
Heart Health & Cholesterol PLR
This Heart Health & Cholesterol PLR package will enable you to help your customers better understand their heart health and cholesterol, and what they can do to live a healthier life. It includes an eBook and eCover graphics.
Time Management PLR – Life Skills
This Time Management PLR package will enable you to help your customers develop time management skills. It includes 10 articles, 10 social posters and 30 social media posts.