If you are a business owner or blogger, our done-for-you content is ready for you to use, rebrand and edit as your own. You can give the NON EDITABLE eBook or report to your customers for their personal use only. You CANNOT give them the editable source files. If you have any questions, please contact us. We are very happy to explain how you can use our content if you are unsure.
- [YES] You can edit the content to suit your own voice.
- [YES] You can use the reports to build your list.
- [YES] You can use the content in your autoresponders.
- [YES] You can claim to be the author of the articles.
- [YES] You can publish as web content.
- [YES] You can sell our eBooks (with no source files).
- [YES] You can give our reports to your clients as an optin gift. We recommend you do this!
- [YES] You can use our graphics on social media.
- [YES] You can create webinars, slideshows, videos, podcasts… and more!
- [NO] You CANNOT sell with Private Label Rights.
- [NO] You CANNOT sell with Resell Rights.
- [NO] You CANNOT sell with Master Resell Rights.
- [NO] You CANNOT edit or flip to sell in your PLR store!
- [NO] You CANNOT sell the graphics. They are for your personal use, in your business.
- [NO] You CANNOT submit to article directories.
- [NO] You CANNOT sell as Kindle book. (It’s against their terms of service.)
- [NO] You CANNOT sell on auction websites or Fiverr.
- [NO] You CANNOT sell our PLR content in your PLR store. You have to create your own!
If you have any questions about our license terms, please leave a comment below, or contact us. We are very happy to help you! Thank you.
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